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What does a healthy diet look like?

You are what you eat. You might have heard from any dietitian or nutritionist that healthy diet is necessary to lead a healthy life. But what exactly is a 'healthy diet'? I'm writing this article to answer your questions such as, what is healthy diet? How does a healthy diet looks like? And how does healthy diet affects your lifestyle? So keep reading if you are looking for answers to these questions.

What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet you provides you essential nutrients, maintain your health and prevent malnutrition or other nutrition related diseases, including heart problems, kidney diseases, diabetes etc. Healthy diet is different for every individual according to their own body requirements, health conditions, age factor and lifestyle. For example, milk requirement of children is more than adults. There is no specific diet pattern that is consumed by human. Diverse range of food items and various dietary habits are adapted by individuals throughout world to meet their nutritional needs. 

Key nutrients that a healthy diet provides are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins. Another essential nutrient which is mainly neglected but plays most vital role in our health management, is water. Each other nutrient plays significant role in human body after consumption.

Balanced diet

Balanced diet provides recommended proportions of food from different food groups. It provides essential nutrients and required calories to promote good health. Nutritionists use different criteria for classification of food in different groups based on functions and consumption pattern. The most commonly used method is Food Guide Pyramid by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Fig. 1. Food Guide Pyramid by USDA 1992
The purpose of  balanced diet is to provide required nutrients for optimal growth and development. It comprises amount of foods or mixtures of foods taken per day by an individual. 

How healthy diet affects your lifestyle?

Eating a well balanced and nutritious food is the key to lead a healthy life. Nutrients in the food play protective, supportive and metabolic roles in the body. 
  • Proteins helps in repair and growth of body tissues.
  • Carbohydrates and fats are main energy fuels for body.
  • Vitamins protect body cells against toxins 
  • Minerals have building and regulating functions

Healthy Diet for Weight Maintenance

Healthy and balanced diet can help you maintain optimal body weight. Consuming enough fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and healthy fats help you obtain normal healthy weight. Healthy body weight eventually decreases risks like diabetes, hypertension, depression and other chronic problems.

Improve Mental Health

Good nutrition keeps you healthy not only physically but also mentally. A balanced diet improves your mood and some natural antidepressants present in your foods like strawberries, salmon, oysters, spinach, lettuce and cauliflower help reduce depression. Consuming more proteins from fish, beef, eggs and beans can increases dopamine. 

Prevent Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, kidney diseases, liver problems and some mental problems can be prevented or managed by keeping your diet well balanced and nutritious. Keeping recommended portion size of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, intake of healthy fat, limiting added salt and sugar, daily exercise, these all interventions work together to maintain your fitness and prevent chronic illness.

Healthy Diet to Look Younger

Diet containing anti-inflammatory foods help you look younger and beautiful. It reverses aging and keeps you fit. Foods like avocado, tomato, pomegranate, berries, green tea and dark chocolate play an important role as anti-aging. 

Healthy Eating Plate 

Use healthy eating plate strategy to control your portion size. See the figure below.
Fig 2. Healthy Eating Plate. © 2023 Dua Munir - Nutritionist / Dietitian
Add four colors to your plate. 
  1. Half of your plate should be vegetables and fruits. 
  2. Fill one quarter with grains. 
  3. Another quarter with protein foods.
  4. One dairy product on side.
  5. Healthy vegetable oils in moderation.
Choose whole grains like whole wheat, oats, quinoa and brown rice to fulfill your carb requirements. Choose proteins from lean meat, poultry, fish and legumes. Moderate consumption of heart healthy fats such as nuts, fatty fish, seeds and plant based oils like olive oil, soy, sunflower oil etc. Limit highly processed foods, added sugar and salt.

Tips for Meal Planning

  • Select food from all food groups according to recommended servings per day.
  • Swap foods in each groups to add variety.
  • Limit dairy intake to one or two servings per day.
  • Add fresh fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy and starchy root vegetables to your diet for proper nourishment.
  • Include good source of protein in each meal.
  • Add foods from 3-6 basic food groups in every meal.

Ending Note

A well balanced meal plan helps to keep a healthy relationship between you and your body. Planning a meal is both a science and an art. Nutritionists and dietitians help you create a balanced nutrition plan according to your energy and nutrient requirements, considering your social customs, budget, and personal preferences. This nutritionally balanced plan promotes good health. Healthy eating plate strategy helps to control portion size and provide required amount of food needed per serving. 


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